What to smell in order to relax

When we face prolonged stress or emotional stress, the body gradually gets used to overloads and begins to perceive this state as normal. It thinks in the following way: “It’s okay, we don’t fall at all.” 

But this is a deception and even more dangerous: Due to stress, muscle clamps appear in the body; we begin to experience a constant lack of strength and apathy. In fact, the acute point of stress may pass, while the overall state will still be terrible. 

We hope that you understand why psychologists are constantly and persistently talking about the need for relaxation. 

In order to make it easier for you, we have made a selection of five scents that promote relaxation at the deepest level.  Use them as essential oils, candles, and incense. 


Lavender is the strongest natural antidepressant. Apply a few drops of lavender essential oil to your body cream or take a massage oil with this fragrance and rub it on your skin. You need to pay attention to the neck, shoulders, hands, calves, and feet, as well as massage the temples. 

Microparticles of essential oils will be absorbed through the skin, relax the muscles, and soothe the receptors of the nerve endings. Gradually, the blood circulation will be restored in the clamped tissues. 

If you use oil before going to bed, it will make the overall effect deeper. In addition, you will rest faster and replenish your energy supply.


Vanilla. It has a strong relaxing effect that stabilizes the heart rate and restores blood pressure. If you experience bouts of poorly controlled fear and anxiety or experience tachycardia, the vanilla flavor (of course, in combination with the remedies recommended by the doctor) will help to stabilise and return energy to the body.


Valerian oil. No surprise cats all around the world love this fragrance so much. If you spray the smell in the room where you sleep or put a dried root of this plant under your pillow, it will help to leave all the hardships of the current day in the past, immerse yourself and harmonise the phase of deep sleep. 

By the way, studies have shown that the aroma of roses has a similar effect=. Therefore, if you do not like Valerian oil too much, you can safely replace it with the scent of roses.


Jasmine. This unique aroma has some magical effect on the nervous system. It also restores and stabilises the circulation of blood in the body, and has a beneficial effect on digestion. 

Jasmine can be used not only as aroma oil but also brewed together with green or herbal tea, a spoonful of honey and drunk at times when the level of tension is off the scale. The main thing is to drink it not later than an hour before the planned bedtime. 

In India, incense with the smell of Jasmine is widely used for the prevention and elimination of nervous exhaustion. It is recommended to light them indoors, a few hours before bedtime, every day for 3 weeks. Don’t overdo it!


Ylang-ylang is a refined and slightly intoxicating scent. 

Add it to a hot bath, rub it into your wrists or light an aroma candle. 

This oil contains so-called linalool, which is able to relax the entire body. 

This oil relieves stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, tachycardia, and it’s widely used as an additional tool in the treatment of depression.
