What to tell yourself to get inspired

Inspiration is a special state of a person, characterized by high productivity, uplift and concentration.

Some would say: “what’s this inspiration for, anyway? I’m not an artist, I don’t need it”. Not true! Inspiration helps even in the simple day-today tasks, it puts you in the state of a flow and allows you to do everything creatively, provides a spark and the highest spirits.

And although it’s frequently perceived as a phenomenon that exists separately from its subject and comes from some unknown worlds, it’s not true. We can awaken inspiration in ourselves.

Shall we have a go? Here are the phrases that’ll help light the fuse.

1. You’re special

Somewhere deep inside many of us have a feeling that there’s something missing: we’re not quick, smart, creative enough, etc., each of us has their own list of “not enough”. The problem is that inspiration doesn’t go to places where a person isn’t certain that they can create something cool and amazing. So, remind yourself of your individuality. You don’t have to be perfect, just remember that you’re unique.

2. Do you remember how…

Here, it’s important to open an inner box that each of us has, that contains the facts of when you were at your best: ran the distance the fastest, put things in the closet in a way that made me want to open it and admire it later, made an elegant flower bed, wrote a cool story. Memories and mental return to the moment turn on the inspiration button to its fullest.

3. You’re capable of more than you think!

And this is the absolute truth. We’re inclined to underestimate our abilities, not to notice obvious successes (“this is nothing, anyone can …”), and we don’t know that there’s a sea of power and possibilities inside us. The main thing is to awaken them!

4. Every time you put in effort, you’re better than the you of yesterday

This is about the best type of competition and comparison – not with someone else, but with yourself. If you put in effort, success is inevitable!

5. The process is just as important as the result

Sometimes we can’t take up something, because we think too much about whether it will work out, and what if the result isn’t what we’d like, but what if, what if, what if. When you tune in to enjoy the process, the expectation of the result ceases to frighten you with their “clean slate” and allows the inspiration to flourish.


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