Manifestations of anxiety that are hard to talk about

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Almost everyone has experienced anxiety – and this is normal. Anxiety – within reasonable limits – is useful and even necessary. It signals that something is going wrong. And then you can take action in time to avoid some bad events.

But if anxiety exceeds the normal limits and completely captures a person’s life and begins to control it – then this is already called an anxiety disorder. And the life of the person, in this case, can become very difficult.

It can be also difficult and sometimes embarrassing to talk about it. What do “non-anxious” people often not know about those who are less fortunate?

○ Anxious people often need to pretend to be “normal”.

In other words, they must hide their anxiety which overwhelms them in various situations, so as not to stand out, not to seem strange or nervous.

○ Feelings of loneliness and misunderstanding.

Anxious people are very sensitive – they react strongly to stimuli that are invisible to others. As a result, they have nobody to share their feelings and emotions with.

○ The lack of confidence in themselves and their decisions.

They may be afraid to make a wrong choice or a mistake and have constant doubts. All this is incredibly exhausting and takes a lot of energy.

○ Bodily manifestations of anxiety.

Anxious people may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and as a result, experience shame when they feel “the call of nature” if their train suddenly stops, or in a traffic jam, in crowded spaces, or at an important meeting. Sweaty palms make it embarrassing to offer a handshake. Face turning red, rapid breathing that is difficult to hide, nausea, sweating, diarrhea – the list goes on and on.

○ Excessive emotional reactions.

When anxiety is high, reactions are heightened, and the person may respond more strongly to what is happening. This also leads to outbursts of irritation, bouts of crying, and other responses incomprehensible to others.

○ Constant drain of vitality and energy.

Strong anxiety is like a leak in a ship’s hull: all vital energy drains away, and it is impossible to stop it. On all the mundane tasks that non-anxious people do not even consider as work, anxious people spend all their resources: getting to work by public transport, talking with the colleagues (what a nightmare) and the boss (a nightmare squared) – and all this is accompanied by constant self-digging and doubting every step.

Excessive anxiety can significantly impair the quality of life and drain its “owner” of energy. All of this creates a strong motivation to defeat it and take control. This can be done with the help of psychotherapy and by incorporating a comprehensive routine.

At Mindspa we understand that therapy can also be expensive. That’s why we’ve asked our therapists to create an online therapeutic program that is both affordable and effective.

This lead to the creation of the “Anxiety Management” course below:

If you want to reduce your anxiety with a methodic approach which combines therapeutic techniques and guided meditations, try the course for 3 days with no obligation. And if you enter the code ‘DISCOUNT50‘ at checkout, you’ll get 50% off the already discounted price!

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