Locked up with the kids: ideas for bonding activities

The quarantine isn’t just “the horror of horrors” and confusion, but also an opportunity to spend time with the child.

If both parents work, usually there’s never enough time to spend with the child properly. At most, you’d check his homework, ask trivial questions, get the standard “alright” in response and … dive into a new, identical day. Now, during the quarantine, you can use this time as a chance to talk, to find out what really excites the child, and to just be together, in spite of it being forced.

First of all, you need to take into account the child’s particular attributes: age, hobbies, type of temperament, and so on. Therefore, choose from the list below what suits your family, and your child:

  • puzzles;
  • coloring, drawing, diamond puzzles, playdough;
  • learning origami together;
  • try filming a cartoon together, using a cellphone camera. You can draw the characters, make up a short story and film it shot-by-shot, moving the objects and the main characters slightly every time – the children would love it;
  • initiate a joint exercise, turn outdoor games into indoor ones (however much your apartment allows), dance to some music; start learning yoga together with the help of video tutorial;
  • try doing everything together with the children: making dinner (you make the salad, I’ll cook the soup), hanging the washing, tidying up;
  • introduce new rituals and traditions in the new conditions: what we do in the morning, and afterwards, when is playtime and lesson time;
  • watch some movies with the child. Perhaps there are some old Soviet movies you’ve been dreaming to show your child – now’s the time. But lower your expectations – be prepared that just because you liked something 20 years ago, doesn’t mean your child will feel the same;
  • do some crafts together: collages, dresses for dolls. You can come up with your own board game and put it on a Whatman that’s been waiting for it in the cupboard for ages.
  • read together – preferably out loud and in turn. Fairytales or the child’s favorite series would work well.
  • go on a virtual trip to the Louvre, the Hermitage or another museum in the world – they’re now offering such unique opportunities on their webpages. Do it together and be sure to discuss what you’ve seen with the child.
  • use all the potential of board games: from Monopoly to Dixit, host competitions, assign prizes;
  • don’t be afraid to sometimes leave the child alone with his own things – taking breaks from each other and giving him an opportunity to use his imagination for his own entertainment is also important;
  • announce a day of celebrating something and start preparing for it, together with the child. You can draw banners, posters, make some decorations;
  • bake cookies or a cake together. Finally, you’ve the time for that.
  • make a blanket fort. Remember how much fun you’ve had doing that as a kid?

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You are not sure where to begin?

This can turn out to be a good experience for your family: enjoy spending time together, look for the silver lining of this situation and just be together.

The quarantine will end, and you can leave it with something new that you’ve gained that can be used later in life.
