Getting Oneself Together

Sometimes, we need to “get ourselves together” and act. It just happens. It can be starting to write an article that doesn’t want to be written, cleaning your wardrobe, making an unpleasant call, giving a lecture, taking an exam, visiting a dentist, etc. 

The scale of such things might be different, but they have something in common: it’s hard to start doing them because you have no power, desire, confidence, motivation, “smart” ideas, etc., you are lacking something. Maybe, you have everything, but you are scared, for example. All in all, you feel all over the place, and you need to get yourself together. 

Of course, it’s more effective to work on yourself rather than help a close person to get engaged. Nevertheless, there are a few things to do.

How to help someone else:

  • make the motivation clear: “Why do you need this?”. When formulating this, the person understands the necessity, which works as a leverage;
  • show how to do active (mobilizing) breathing, it works well when your body needs to shake up: the idea is to inhale slower than usual and then to keep your breath. The length of exhaling stays almost the same. The scheme: (inhaling in seconds – pause – exhaling) 2(2)+2; 4(2)+4; 4(2)+5; 4(2)+6; 4(2)+7; 4(2)+8; 8(2)+5; 9(4)+5; 10(5)+5;

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You are not sure where to begin?

How to help yourself:

  • ask yourself: Why do I need this? Articulate the answers, write them down, think about them. Do you really need this? Then, go ahead!
  • plan an action after which you will get up and go to do your thing, such as drinking a cup of coffee, finishing the page, making an exercise;
  • if you have a chance, take a contrast shower which helps to tone your body and put yourself into the mood for action. However, if you are in an office, you can keep your hands under hot and cold water in turns;
  • come up with a plan, preferably in writing, for example, first, I’ll do …, then, I’ll do …, then … It will help you make up an inner system and finally start to do things;
  • say out loud, “I am going to do this”. Not “I want to” or “I need to”, but “I’m going to”. Wanting is about having a desire, while you are making up an intention that has much more power;
  • use a “sucker punch”. Some people find it useful to tell themselves jokingly, “Come on, get your shit together!” It’s not offensive, it’s not entirely serious, which is why it has slight motivating effect without the self-deprecating component;
  • stand in the superhero position: stand straight with your shoulders back and your chin slightly raised, your hands on your waist and your legs at shoulder-length. Feel the strength fill you, keep standing in this position for two minutes. Try to take deep and regular breaths. It’s impossible to procrastinate after this position!